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Find our essay film “Moving into the Infinite”, music, pictures on canvas, dance robes and gifts!

    Moving into the Infinite


    Moving into the Infinite is an autobiographical documentary by the dancer and director Paramjyoti Carola Stieber in collaboration with cinematographer Eckart Reichl.

    Get the DVD

    Please make use of our order form below, since we need to receive your email, postal address and the number of copies you want to receive. After filling out and sending the order form to us, make sure to transfer 23 € / DVD plus shipping cost, in case you are outside of Germany. As soon as we have received your order form and your money transfer, we will proceed with your order.

    You may choose to transfer the money by bank or PayPal:

    Banktransfer: Carola Stieber, IBAN: CH2208781000219415000, BIC: SWQBCHZZXXX, Name of bank: Swissquote Bank SA, Subject: DVD, English, you name

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    Paypal is a simple method to transfer money.
    Note that 1,9% of your donation will go to Paypal.
    You can continue by pressing this button:

    Watch our film online 

    Bonus material of our film


    Short film by Paramjyoti C. Stieber

    Cinematography & editing: Eckart Reichl

    Music composition: Vorya Zarnegar

    Musicals: Vorya Zarnegar, Sina Gheisari, Wolfgang Obrecht

    Date: 1.8.23

    Camera und editing: Eckart Reichl

    Length: 6,39 minutes

     Find further details and watch for free >>



    Shivoham CD

    Sanksrit mantras sung by Paramjyoti & Gauranga


    Pictures on Canvas

    Selection of motifs >>

    You may purchase individual pictures (different sizes available) and/or order an invididually chosen gallery. There is also the possiblity to actually rent the galleriy.  Contact>>

    The MANDALA Gallery consists of large photos on canvas (120x80cm) with photos by Mona Lisa.

    Possible locations for a gallery would be yoga centers, dance schools, seminar houses, retreat centers, restaurants, exhibition- and converence halls. 

    Whirling Ritual Dance Robe

    We work on the possibility to soon be able to produce indivicual dance costumes for you. Further information will follow.

    Video gifts

    With an indication to our Youtube Channel


    What is the essence of your work?

    An interview with Paramjyoti by Andrea Schweighofer and Udo Wiechert



    Date: 21.2.23

    Language: German

    Length: 29.28 minutes


    Dance offering and invitation 

    Ananda Assoziaione, Temple of Light, Assisi, Italy


    Date: 1.8.23

    Camera und editing: Andrea Olindo Bizzarri

    Length: 1,53 minutes


    Invitation to dance in the Temple of Light