Dance Film Project
MANDALA goes global. A follow up, world spanning dance film project?
In group formation, we initiate a prayer wheel through dance. The short film MANDALA is born.
Mudra Mantra Mandala – the sacred in dance is an advanced training programme and seminar series offered in 2025. Among the basic practices of the Devadasi school, the five roles of the MANDALA choreography will be taught. A possible vision for the future: graduates will set up their own MANDALA dance groups in their home towns. We dance in different countries and various locations: MANDALA in front of Cologne Cathedral, on the beach in Portugal, in the holy city of Assisi, at the freeway stop, in the Negev Desert in Israel, in the red desert of Namibia with elders from a local tribe, with shamans in Mongolia, in downtown Manhattan, etc…. We initate a world spanning dance film proejct. For as we film these scenes and compose the contributions from the various MANDALA groups around the world, a MANDALA follow-up film can be edited. An additional gift to the world of our time.
Are you inspired to take part and/or contribute to this poject?

Temporary Dance Monastery
How would it be to integrate sacred dance in your day? How would it be to gather with like minded ones in order to deepen the practice and to immerse yourself in profound research? The temporary dance monastery allows a first experience into this direction.
Dance pilgrims come together to unite for a chosen amount of time. A set daily routine gives us orientation and stability. Times for community and solitude, activity and rest give us an inspiring and invigorating rhythm. Our spiritual practice through dance according to the Devadsi School of is our mutual focus. Elements of our daily practices are: Individual and communal prayer, silent meditation, mantra singing, dance practice, whirling dance rituals, times in silence, cooking and eating lunch together, doing everyday chores in and around the house, individual walks and times for retreating lay ahead of us. Also we are going to hold lab times in order to research the nature of sacred dance and its manifestations.
Our gathering in 2025, the dance temple >>

The Archive
It is about time to start collecting the many gifts that have been found over the decades, and with that to make them available to a larger audience as well as to dance new comers. We are going to record methodology and exercises of in training unite format, document dance presentations and engage in the the “experience-project”, through which further short films might come into existence.
For this intent, we can happily receive support!