Devadasi School
for intuitiv sacred dance, movement and consciousness
You may book single classes and workshops as well as individual dance dedications both online and live. In different countries several day long events take place.
Advanced trainings courses over the span of one or two years in Devadasi-dance of the heart, its philosophy and practice. It also serves as an education for those who would like to become teachers or performers.
You may ask for individual support and consulting for your own artistic projects. is for amateur- as well as professional dancers.
Single Coaching Classes
For you. Use this opportunity for dance technical-, spiritual-artistic coaching or therapeutical support. Contact me by email or phone and we will shape the class according to your heart´s wish.
Duration 60-90 minutes. 1 hour for 120 Euro

Seminar series & training courses
Preparation for the educational course “Devadasi dancers and teachers training”
The Dance Oracle
Experience the place of prophecy in the center of your heart. According to Socrates: “Know thyself”.
The world with all its phenomena is a great mystery. We cannot comprehend it. But we can ask questions, connect with what is alive in our hearts and allow the dance to take form. In this way, the dance becomes a mirror of your heart.
In scientific terms, the effect of an oracle could be described as follows: An oracle triggers a self-reflective, cathartic process in which emotional perceptions that crystallize into worldviews can be transformed into higher order insights.
The Dance Oracle 1-3 is based on the most important of all tools of the “Devadasi Dance of the Heart” training in Intuitive Sacred Dance, the “golden key”. The Dance Oracle can be practiced on its own or serve as a foundation for subsequent courses. You can practise it for yourself, as a dance meditation, for example to favor inner balance, or make use of it, if you have questions to which you are looking for answers. Later on, you can also use the dance oracle to offer support to other people.
What happens in the workshop:
We dance with what is: We focus our attention on body awareness and the breath. Listening how the breath flows in and out, we allow ourselves to freely move with the breath. Everything that arises in the awareness of body perceptions, thoughts and feelings is integrated into the dance. The synchronization of breath, movement and mind sets an alchemy in process. We become calmer, more balanced and more present. In dance we are free. In consciousness we witness what rises, is there for some time and transforms and passes in its own time. We are invited to drop judgements, preferences, attachments and aversions and simply are with what is there. Everything that emerges nourishes the dance and this in turn nourishes us. We are equally full and empty. Here starts the dance.
Venue, seminar fee & details see calendar
Contact and registration >>

Mudra Mantra Mandala
The sacred within dance, part 1-4
The basics of the Devadasi school are taught. We work with both free and set movement. We explore the interplay of body-movement and mind in mudras, learn simple step sequences to mantras sung by us and dance (spontaneously) choreographed mandala dances in group formation.
Experience the secret of dance in your heart, the spiritual support of traditional mantras and the spiritual and collective power of synchronized movements.
About venue, seminar fee & further details please visit the tender of our next seminar >>
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Whirling dance and Sema
Sema is a ritual known from the Sufi tradition, with sacred music and dance. It invites the practitioner to loosen fixed ideas, concepts and belief systems about ones perception of oneself and the world in order to be allowed fundamental spiritual experiences in the natural expanse of one consciousness.
Venue, seminar fee & details see calendar
Contact and registration >>

Several Day Long Events
In order to dive deep and fly high.
Temporary Dance Monastery
Dance pilgrims come together to unite for initial 10 days. A set daily routine gives us orientation and stability. Times for community and solitude, activity and rest give us an inspiring and invigorating rhythm. Our spiritual practice through dance according to the Devadsi School of is our mutual focus. Elements of our daily practices are: Individual and communal prayer, silent meditation, mantra singing, dance practice, whirling dance rituals, times in silence, cooking and eating lunch together, doing everyday chores in and around the house, individual walks and times for retreating lay ahead of us.
Estimated date: 8-18.7.2024
Expected location: Shantimonti, Ticino, Switzerland