Infinite.dance is the parent name of my activities and projects. My name is Paramjyoti Carola Stieber. I am a professional dancer and dance facilitator, founder of the school „Devadasi – Dance of the Heart” and „Infinite.dance productions“, and director of the documentary „Moving into the Infinite“.
- Dance as spiritual practice
- A unique dance style
- A philosophy, which validates and recognizes the spiritual origin of all beings and the unity of existence
- A movement that unites people from different backgrounds and spiritual orientations in music and dance
- Standing up for peace, initially in one’s own heart and with oneself
- The interplay between music and dance, which plays an essential role in the practice itself. Because of this we practice with live music
- Bringing together my heart’s families: Introducing my dance students to different (pilgrim-)communities as well as the interaction of its musicians leads to intimacy in the soul, artistic and spiritual richness as well as invigorating encounters with each other.
- A community of dance pilgrimgs. There is an inner circle of people who come together more regularly for practice. Some of them are committed to the realization of events and projects
- A Sacred Dance Sanctuary. Those who join me on my travels can experience community, dance temple and dance monastery. So far this is manifesting in different places at different times. In the future, Infinite.dance may have its own space dedicated to living, exploring and archiving non-denominational, intuitive, sacred dance.
Find an review, which tells about how ‘Dance of the heart’ came to excitence in 2002 and is now also called “Infinite.dance”, written on request for the Sacred Dance Guild.
Devadasi School
For intuitive sacred dance, movement and consciousness
Sacred dance is taught here in contemporary expression and independent of any particular spiritual or religious orientation. The practitioner is invited on a mystical path, along their own beliefs and according to the urgency of their own heart, towards healing and self-knowledge.
The school is for whom?
Dance is always an expression of joy and beauty. In addition of it being an artistic expression, for some it may have therapeutic effects, for others it may serve as meditation, inner dialogue and a tool for self realisation. Infinite.dance is a training to connect body, mind and soul in order to embody and celebrate our inherent truth.
Professional dancers as well as amateurs can participate and benefit from the exercises given, making sure to translate it to their level.
Your experience with intuitive sacred dance can
- Promote health and fitness
- Provide mental calm and relaxation for the nervous system
- Create harmonization and emotional balance
- Promote self-confidence and intuition
- Break through painful identifications, habits and behavioral patterns
- Support inner transformation
- Stimulate and encourage an expanded state of consciousness
Devadasi name
The Sanskrit term „Devadasi“ means „female servant of God“, and refers to ancient temple dance, the actual root of all classical dances we know in India today. „Devadasi – Dance of the Heart“ is unlike classical dance not aiming to cite, fulfil and perfect the once perceived forms, but to listen to its origin, where the impulse for movement rises from and allows the dance to take form spontaneously.
Read more about >> the heritage of Devadasi

Infinite.dance productions
Das Label von Infinite.dance und dessen Filmproduktionen.
Motivation für die Produktionen ist, das auf Tanz(reisen) Erfahrene einem erweiterten Pubikum nahebringen und den darin liegenden, beseelenden Geist erfahrbar machen zu können. Der Dialog zwischen Kulturen und Religionen steht auch hier zentral. Das Zusammenführen von Menschen in dem, was sie beseelt, das “Gehör- und Gesicht schenken” charismatischer Persönlichkeiten und vor allen Dingen der Versuch das “Unsichbare” sichtbar und erlebbar machen zu können. Für unsere unkonventionellen Produktionen sind wir auf finanzielle Unterstüzung angewiesen und danken an dieser Stelle allen Helfern vor und hinter der Kamera, die mit uns aktiv sind vor, während und nach den Produktionen.
“Für mich ist das Reisen in verschiedene Länder, Kulturen und Religionen belebend. Den Dialog zwischen unterschiedlichen Ansichten, Praktiken und Lebenswegen erlebe ich als gegenseitige Bereicherung. Das Mich-Verbinden mit den jeweiligen Traditionen, ihren Ritualen, Symbolen und Geschichten ist für mich wie das Hindurchgehen durch geistige Tore, die neue Räume eröffnen. Ich liebe die Vielfalt der spirituellen „Gärten“ und das Eintauchen über verschiedene Wege in die unser Herz und Wesen belebende, allem zugrundeliegende, gleiche, ewig frische Essenz”. Auszug aus Director´s note von Im Spiegel Deines Angesichts.