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Special guests

Director Paramjyoti Carola Stieber invited cinematographer Eckart Reichl, local host from Kientalerhof Mona Achermann and digital host Joerg Peleikis, technical support Jens Ludwig (sound) and Stefan Stalder (camera), photographer Max Herlitschka, live musicians in place Faridah Busemann (voice and guitar) and Abdur Rahman Axel Kirchhoff (vocal ceremony opening and closing/ as well as cam and light design), MANADLA dancers, film musicians Vorya Zarnegar, (composer of film song In the love of Salomon & its singer, tanbour- & daf player) and Sina Gheisari, (ney & oud in the film), who gave a live music offering on our online celebration, Kientalerhof staff and friends. Online we had about 100 guests from Canada, the US, North to South, including California, Africa, India, Iran, Turkey, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and further countries.

Homage to my teachers


Karin Hermes Sunke, first and upmost important dance teacher of Paramjyot.


Param Hans Shiv Bhagvan Ji Maharaj, Suman Brahm Dham Ashram in Bamhori Purwa, close to Mahoba, district Chattarpur


Patricia Chong, mystic and storyteller from Australia

Homage to my guides


Darta Molitor, spiritual teacher in the tradition of Agni

Su Hakini

Lama Irene, Dordje Dhrölma, tibetian buddhist Nun, Karma Kagyü lineage

Homage to our special guests


Visolela Rosa Namises from Namibia, custodian of the culture and human rights activist for women, children & nowadays also for men, in the fields of rights against violence.


Swami Gurusharanananda and Acharya Mangalananda, from Ananda Mayi Ma tradition, Ma Sharanam Ashram


Mahiya and other dancing community members of Ananda Italy, Paramahansa Yogananda community, founded by Swami Kriyananda


Wendy Morell, president of the Sacred Dance Guild, Canada

Quotes of our special guests and our audience:

“Many times I see people on their spiritual paths and they do a lot of effort trying to transform themselves and are very absorbed in this and I see Paramjyoti has always been longing to unite cultures and to bring people together. She put the focus not on transforming something inside herself as much, she is giving a blossoming to her life by bringing people together. She is giving and the result is here. This is a different approach than what I see in most people on their spiritual path, who get stuck in their own transformation. I know Paramjyoti more than 20 years and she has never changed that. It has always been her ambition and it is exactly that which I love. MANDALA movie is at least the third expression of this intention and I am looking forward to the next.” Darta Molitor

Ich wünsche Dir künstlerische Herzens-Kraft für die Projekte die Du in eine Welt gibst die in Not ist und in der viel Orientierungslosigkeit ist, da es nicht klar ist, wie wir mit diesen großen Umwerfungen umgehen sollen. Es ist ausgesprochen wichtig positive Energie in die Welt zu setzen und den Friedensgedanken ganz sicher nicht aufzugeben. Wir können gute Energie in die Welt hinausgeben, Friedensenergie und Engagement weil wir im Kontakt sind mit unseren eigenen inneren Herzgeist-Ressourcen. Es ist ganz wichtig, dass wir den inneren Reichtum kontaktieren können und dass wir auf der Basis davon, vernetzt mit anderen in die Welt, diesen hinausgeben und Impulse setzen. Viel Mut, Kraft und Inspiration!” Lama Irene

The movie is so beautiful, it’s really heart opening. The colours, the music the joy is very incredible. I fully agree with dance, we can uplift the heart of so many people suffering. Here is what I found Shri Ma speaking about dance: “The eternal Dance is always happening. From the waves of the ocean to the tiniest movement of the body is a dance. Divine itself is in the form of Dance. When you let Dance happen, then all the sorrows and sufferings are removed.“ Swami Gurusharanananda