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Where music and whirling meet

Dive with us into the mystical world by practising meditation, chanting, physical warm up, physical opening and warming up practices, exercises which prepare us for whirling, deep relaxation and whirling itself. Paramjyoti will transmit this aesthetic art of whirling in her intuitive approach and expression, a school for connecting our body-mind, spirit and soul.
Listening to our breath, we get in touch with the puls and rhythm which emerges from within, as we embark on our dance pilgrimage along our own belief systems and beyond. Unlike in traditional Sema known from Sufi traditions, we as the dancers also make the music ourselves. For this purpose, we sing the names of “the Beloved” from various traditions, illahis, mantras and songs.

Time: 2-5 pm, please come timely

  • 2 – 3.15 pm singing together, Warm-Up & meditative exercises for preparing whirling as well as the ritual itself
  • 15 minutes pause
  • 3.30 – 5 pm whirling celebration with live music and our joint voices singing. We close with a meditation and/or a deep relaxation exercise (shavasana).
Contribution: 95 CHF
Let us know if you really want to come but can not afford the fee. Together we shall find a solution.
We are striving for creating a vibrant community.  Let ´s move and enter the magic of whirling!
No previous experience is needed in order to participate in the class.
Bring along a water bottle, good fitting socks or shoes with leather soles and a scarf, which you can cover your body with in order to feel warm and comforted.
For registration and reservation, please contact Regina Hans by Email or phone: 0041 79 406 17 76
Event description PDF (German language only)