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Welcome in our virtual dance temple and to our vivid dance pilgrim community. We gather in order to practice tools and skills, integrate what has already unveiled itself to us and explore deeper what is there for us to discover. In this meeting you can research and practice self enquiry within a group of committed souls. Come, dance, awaken and celebrate the dance of life with us.

We strive for meeting once a month. The gathering is open for all who have been participating in the dance oracle seminar series or who are very familiar with the “golden key” tool and have double checked with Paramjyoti, wether it is a good idea at this point to join the group both for the dynamic of the group and mainly yourself.

How wonderful that our hearts and minds are as open as to allow us to meet despite great geographical distances in this virtual temple of ours.

Please do contribute 30 Euros until the evening before our meeting. With your participation and contribution you create the time for your practice within the group and in the presence of Paramjyoti both for yourself as well as for the group. Thank you very much.

Attention of time change: we start 4.30pm and go until 5.45pm.


Meeting-ID: 851 9435 0411
Kenncode: 430348