Directed, choreographed and produced by Carola Stieber a.k.a. Paramjyoti
Cinematography and editing: Eckart Reichl
Production: productions, Paramjyoti Carola Stieber
Song: “In the love of Salomon” by Vorya Zarnegar
Musicians: Vorya Zarnegar (voice, tanbour, daf), Sina Gheisari (ney, oud), Wolfgang Obrecht (mandola)
Music Mix and Mastering: Wolfgang Obrecht, Studio Rich Art
Color grading: Jürgen Pertack

Olivia Maillet

Santi Chantal Sierro

Michaela Häring

Mirja Neuhaus

Rasamayi Susanne Bauer

Sabine Klarer

Raoul Germanier

Eva Kunjeshwari Suter
Additional Participants

Melyan Gogniat

Dorothea Heidenreich
Full credits
Directed & Choreographed by
Carola Stieber, Paramjyoti
Cinematography & Editing
Eckart Reichl (BVK)
Post production consultant
Daniel Arvizu
Title Graphic
Lidka Wilkosz
Color Grading
Jürgen Pertack, msf München
Dschalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī
Ghazal excerpt from Divan-i Kabir, Vol. V, third metre
In free translation
„In the love of Salomon“, by Vorya Zarnegar
Vorya Zarnegar (voice, daf, tanbur), Sina Gheisari (ney, oud),
Wolfgang Obrecht (mandola)
Sound Studios
Shan Studio, Mohammad Shadfar
Sound Mix & -Mastering
Tonstudio Rich Art, Wolfgang Obrecht
Paramjyoti C. Stieber, Manuela Böhme, Steffi Maag, Rahel Oppliger,
Mira Majewski, Romina Salerno, Santi Chantal Sierro, Janika Thomas,
Rachel Gogniat, Su Hakini Susanne Kinzelmann Gullotta, Rasamayi
Susanne Bauer, Michaela Häring, Angela Dorschel, Swatina Wutha,
Olivia Maillet, Krishangi Lila Kai Köivumägi, Sabine Klarer,
Kunjeshvari Eva Suter, Irene Pfenninger, Mirja Neuhaus,
Isabelle DiRada Annette Vogt, Mona Achermann, Lorenzo Dal Re,
Beat Schenkel, Raoul Germanier.
Melyan Gogniat, Dominik Haas, Ilona Haug
Shanti Monti, bei Sobrio, Tessin, Switzerland
Pigeon Breeder
Wolfgang Lampert, Wutöschingen Schwerzen, Germany
Dorothea Heidenreich, Elisabeth Glinka, Premamayi Petra Wutha,
Iluna Haug, Lorenzo Dal Re, Dietmar Pohl
Costume Design
Carola Stieber
Mamita und Gita Madhur, Suleman, Rena Vögele
Mandala Pictures in windows
Michel Hilzinger (✝︎)
Production productions
Many heartfelt thanks to our sponsors and to all,
who have helped to make MANDALA a reality.