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Music by Paramjyoti with friends 


Classical Sanskrit Mantras sung by Paramjyoti and Gauranga Florian Heinzmann with friends. Sound engeneering: Madhuri Manfred Gaul. Total length: 51,16 min

Paramjyoti gives the centuries-old classical hymn of Shankara the intimacy, fervor and seriousness of real spiritual search. In other songs, she leads us into playful dancing with the Beloved. This CD does not want to entertain, but rather to give the listener access to his true essence – God’s presence in us.

Price: 18 Euro

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Akieleya is meant to be a CD to practice with. It is usually bought by workshop participants in order to have some support for their individual pracice at home. Paramjyoti does not lead exercises, but sings in improvisation together with music by Ralf Kern (tabla, santoor, zheng, guitar). Mehmet Ungan (voice, Ud, Djembe) sings two turkish songs on this CD, which are especially suitable for whirling practice. On top of these beautiful sounds, Eva Maria Stortz weaves in her virtuous viola play. Mixing and mastering: Ralf Kern & Andreas Potschka. Total length: 72,22 min

Price: 16 Euro

Paypal is a simple method to transfer money. Note that 1,9% of your donation will go to Paypal. You can continue by using the following buttons, or scroll to the bottom of the page and pay by bank transfer.

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