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We practice within the Sacred Dance school founded by Paramjyoti and its basic elements. We work with both free and set movement. We explore the interplay of body-movement and mind in mudras, learn simple step sequences to mantras we chant, and dance (instant) chorographed mandala dances in group formation.

Experience the secret of dance in your heart, the force of traditional mantras and the support of the collective as we practice in the group formation with synchronized movements. Participating in the full seminar series MMM enables you to dance the choreography of MANDALA. This might inspire you to create your local MANDALA dance group and eventually participate in another MANDALA dance film project – a world spanning dance prayer.

Prerequisites: non

The seminar takes place with live music

Seminar fee: CHF 380.- registration till 26.1.24, CHF 430.- registration from 27.01.24

You may choose to also book the follow up seminars. Dates for MMM2-4 are: 25.-27.10.2024, 21.-23.3.2025, 31.10.-2.11.2015

Registration form, Kopie 2

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