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Mudra Mantra Mandala  – CELEBRATION

MMM (part 4) is dedicated to dance the MANDALA choreography and to celebrate a several hours long whirling ritual. We deepen the experience, surf, ask questions and dance dance dance.

Beginners are welcome. You will receive an introduction both into whirling as well as simple MANDALA step sequences, which will enable you to join the dance.

For advanced students this seminar serves to deepen the experience of Mudra, Mantra and Mandala, to work on details of the 5 roles of MANDALA and mostly to activate the power this prayer wheel sets forth for us inside your own heart.

For those, who joined the full seminar series: You may want to look into leading your own MANDALA group? Please bring possible questions regarding his topic. You are also welcome to join future projects, such as “MANDALA goes global” and “himmelwärts”. More about those projects will be provided as we meet.

Prerequisites: non

Live music accompaniment by Wolfgang Obrecht (accordion, mandola, setar, dulcimer, percussion, voice & all kinds of surprises) and Prasadini Mayer (voice and harmonium, priestess of “temple of unity” at Schweibenalp) and others.

Seminar fee: CHF 380.- for registration until 31.07.25, CHF 430.- for registration from 01.08.25

You can register here