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Become familiar with Paramjyoti’s school of sacred intuitive dance and its “golden key”.

We get in touch with our breath and dance in free movement. Whatever body awareness, thoughts and feelings arise in our consciousness will be integrated into our dance. We are empty and full in equal measure. Everything nourishes the dance and the dance in turn nourishes us. Let yourself be guided, along your own beliefs and according to the urgency of your own heart, towards healing and self-recognition. Let’s experience dance and celebrate it joyfully.

The dance seminar is barrier-free and suitable for people with and without dance experience. Please register as soon as possible, the number of participants is limited.

With live music. Our special guest will be most likely dear Mehdi Aminian (voice, ney, setar) or a friend of his.

Workshop hours: Both on Saturday and Sundar 1:30-4:30pm, vegetarian buffet: 16:45-17:30Uhr

Workshop Fee for both days together: 120-150 Euros sliding scale

Bring along:
Comfortable clothes, water bottle, if you tend to sweat easily bring also a small towel.

On Saturday evening there is a Dance Concert in which you can join the dance. It is noted as the next event in our

Flyer of our workshop for you and your friends >>


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