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Our Global Dance Ceremonies unfold. The first temple is in our own heart. The first temple is in our own heart. As we unite our hearts and dance, we can uplift our own energy and stimulate a positive vibration in the collective. The more of us unite, the greater this energy wave of good intention and best wishes for all people, plants, animals and beings can expand and be of support.

We meet once a month, around full moon. Starting with a series of four online events. Each can be attended separately, too. We alternate WHIRLING practice (Sema) and CELEBRATION, which is a dance prayer in free movement with the support of elders from different spiritual traditions and their rituals, prayers and/or energy work. All our meetings will be accompanied by live music. Click here for: The link to our ceremony on Zoom 

If you have any difficulties entering our zoom meeting, feel free to contact our host Simone. Her tel. & What ´s App Number is 0041 76 493 92 92

These gatherings are by donation with the suggested amount per event being 30 Euros. In case you can not afford this, you are still welcome to join us. Pleases take to your heart: You can always choose to give less and support us with 2-3 hours honorary work per ceremony. You could help us spreading word of mouth about our meetings. In your friends circles, e.g. on what’s app, facebook and instagram. You could also collect addresses from possibly interested groups in your area, like yoga centres, dance schools and such. If you choose to do service and enable to continue offering programs like this in this way, please write and email to us, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Bank account: Carola Stieber, IBAN: CH2208781000219415000, BIC: SWQBCHZZXXX, Name of the bank: Swissquote Bank SA, Subject: CELEBRATION