Is a dance film and an invitation to dance. It is a gift for you and all your dear ones around the world.
In order for productions to realize projects like this, we rely on financial contributions. Thank you for donations of any amount from the bottom of our hearts.
For bank transfer of Euros, USD or CHF please use: Carola Stieber, IBAN: CH2208781000219415000, BIC: SWQBCHZZXXX, Name der Bank: Swissquote Bank SA, Subject: MANDALA
In dance it blossoms, the temple of the heart. And invites you in…
Content / Synopsis
As a group we dance in the form of a mandala. It moves. The dancer of MANDALA is invited onto an inner pilgrimage, for the viewer, MANDALA serves as a gateway to the mystical world.
In our film 21 dancers are touched and moved by a Rumi poem set to music. A dance of the heart ignites and radiates out into the world. MANDALA is a gift of joy and true inspiration.
Come, celebrate and dance with us!
There is a vision, the rising of a dance community and the yearning for a sacred dance sanctuary.
Travelling without feet

Sema is a ritual known from the Sufi tradition. It involves sacred music and dance. It supports the practitioner to loosen ideas and concepts about oneself and ones’ worldview. In the natural expanse of our mind, spiritual experiences can take place. MANDALA is a video project and a spiritual and artistic research. It has been an exploration of movements which enhance presence and a research in what opens and invigorates our hearts.
There is a vision…
Origin, History and Outlook
Celebrating in Dance
Spending time and practicing in the magical place of ShantiMonti in Ticino, Switzerland, inspired director Paramjyoti for MANDALA. Her vision of a dance temple preceded this inspiration: a place that is dedicated to sacred dance and where that, which inspires the innermost of our hearts, is cultivated and celebrated in dance and in community.
People who felt drawn to this practice and research of sacred dance met over the course of a year on five long weekends. The artistic pilgrimage was giving birth to the desired dance community!
We were invited to meet on the beautiful land of ShantiUnity, which became our temporary dance temple and home. Thus another wish came true, namely that of having our own place which could be dedicated to this puprose.
Here we were – able to explore what sacred dance means to us, how we can express it as a group and, above all, how we can use it to connect with the most intimate of relationships, that which is dear to our hearts and inspires us as spiritual beings. On our last evening together, sparks from the fireplace embers began to move spiraling skywards, until long after our whirling dance ritual.
Will the dream of such a dedicated community and its place, dedicated to gatherings for the reasearch and practices find further realisation?
Our film shooting weekend was certainly the glorious crowning of our first dance community time.

As Loving Hearts Unite
The MANDALA dancers come from different cultures and spiritual traditions. The joy of what we love connects us. The hand-woven cotton fabrics for our costumes come from India, and most of the sewing work is done by Gita, a seamstress from Kerala. Also Suleman from Zürich and Renata Vögele in Germany supported us with their art of tayloring. «Behind the scenes» there are numerous other contributing hands and hearts.
The music of our MANDALA fim and choreography is composed by Vorya Zarnegar from Iran, with deep love for a poem by Mevlana Rumi. „In the Love of Salomon“ was recoreded together with the young dervish Sina Gheisari, who played the remaining film music in for us.
Over the time span of a year we had met on 5 weekends. About 21 costumes have been made. In altogether two weekends we were shooting the video footage for MANDALA with film partner and cinematographer Eckart Reichl.
Amazing photos have been taken by Max Herlitschka (photos on this page, 2021), Mona Lisa (our gallery photos, 2022) and Betina Höh-Schmitz (photos with pigeons, 2022).

We want to move on…
It is a great honor for us from ‚’ (Paramjyoti and friends) to have realized this project and with it, to trigger the initiation of a prayer wheel in the heart of the individual as well as in the collective heart. Join us in give films like this to the world!
In order for us to realize projects like MANDALA, financial support is needed. In case of MANDALA, it required cost coverage for camera work, editing, directing, color correction, technical equipment, costume production, project organisation, sound recordings, musician fees, sound design, web design, accounting, IT, distribution, text writings-, translations-, graphics- and animation work for promo material, tour- and event management and more. With the film product we actually brought to life several glorious photo exhibition, too.
Currently we are working on realizing MANDALA Goes Global >>
For the world spanning dance prayer project it would be wonderful if we could sponsor 5-12 people from 5-12 different countries, also those, who have a different economical situation than e.g. Germany, in order to teach them the MANDALA Choreographie and have them pass it on to their own MANDALA groups. This opportunity might be of great interest for dance schools and (yoga) communities. Learning how to dance MANDALA is a great joy!
Donations of any amount help us realise further projects.
For bank transfer of Euros, USD or CHF please use: Carola Stieber, IBAN: CH2208781000219415000, BIC: SWQBCHZZXXX, Name der Bank: Swissquote Bank SA, Subject: MANDALA
Account for Euros only: Carola Stieber, IBAN: DE08200411110399465400, BIC: COBADEHDXXX, name der Bank: comdirekt, subject: MANDALA.

MANDALA world wide

The beginning of a Global Dance for Peace
On April 1, 2023, we celebrated the world premiere of the short film with a full house in the golden hall of the legendary BABYLON Berlin, followed by a live event cinema tour.
The Online Release Celebration on winter solstice manifested as the beginning of a global prayer. The seminar series Mudra Mantra Mandala is its continuation. We enter a world spanning dance-film-project.
Join our „Mudra Mantra Mandala“ Seminar. Learn how to dance MANDALA yourself, how to teach your own MANDALA group and eventually participate in a world-spanning dance prayer & film project.

You can only touch the sky from your heart, Rumi
Live Events
MANDALA in the (movie) theatre
Invite friends and enjoy MANDALA on the big screen and/or as a live solo- or group dance performance with live music. Contact us.

MANDALA gallery is a photo on canvas exhibition of pictures made by Mona Lisa. You can send us an invitation for displaying the MANDALA galley, e.g. in your yoga center. dance school, seminar house, restaurant, exbibition- or conference hall.
Individual canvas pictures can also be purchased.
For detailed information regarding exhibition and purchase of our art pieces, please contact us.
In respect of the artists, we ask you to not take photos from this website without permission. Thank you for respecting copyrights.
Sacred Dance Community
We get together in order to pracitse and celebrate. Would you like to join us? You may even want to help organizing events for our gatherings?
MANDALA Teacher Training
Learn how to dance MANDALA and how to teach it, so you can have your MANDALA practictionners group in your own place. Join our advanced training seminar series „Mudra Mantra Mandala“.
Access dance tutorials, look up news and find information about our gatherings.